The Alper Center for Neural Development and Regeneration


Like all of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, the Alper Center strongly emphasizes educating and training individuals in stem cell biology and research. Predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees have access to various resources and opportunities to foster scientific collaboration, connect with peers and faculty, and gain knowledge of brain stem cells and their translational applications.

Trainee Resources and Programs

Our trainee resources and programs offer comprehensive basic and translational training in stem cell biology and neuroscience, leading to a PhD for predoctoral trainees and supporting postdoctoral trainees in their pursuit of independent, high-level research.

PhD in Neuroscience

The Neuroscience graduate program offers rigorous, multidisciplinary, and highly collaborative training that focuses on making translational and transformative discoveries about the molecules, cells, circuits, and behaviors that make up the nervous system in health and disease. The program boasts a world-class faculty from multiple departments, institutes, and centers who study brain structure and function in a variety of model systems, including the human brain, using cutting-edge technology and concepts. Learn more and apply

PhD Program in Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cells

Development, Regeneration, and Stem Cells (DRS) is a multidisciplinary program within the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. The program is designed to provide PhD and MD/PhD students with flexible, student-driven coursework and intensive research training to become part of the next generation of stem cell scientists. Learn more and apply