Mount Sinai Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-Based Center (SBDRC)

SBDRC-BFSCI-Dermatology Department Pilot Grant Program

Pilot grants from the Black Family Stem Cell Institute, the Mount Sinai Skin Biology and Diseases Resource-based Center (SBDRC), and the Department of Dermatology at Icahn Mount Sinai are available on an annual basis to support research projects in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine and skin biology and disease.

  1. Research Grants (up to $40K) are intended for principal investigators meeting any of the following criteria:
  •  New principal investigators (less than five years from appointment as Assistant Professor) who have not had R01, P01 or equivalent funding
  • Established basic research or clinical investigators outside the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine and/or skin biology and disease who wish to apply their expertise to these areas
  • Researchers with proposals that involve interdisciplinary collaborations
  1. Transition to Independence Minigrants (up to $15K) are available to:
  • Post-doctoral research fellows with at least one year of post-doctoral research training
  • Instructors with at least one year of research training
  • Dermatology residents engaged in research

Applications should include the following elements:

  1. Research Strategy (one page): include title, name and affiliations, significance or the project, innovation, and approach
  2. Figures (one page)
  3. Bibliography and References Cited (one page)
  4. For transition to independence grants, please add one letter of support from the postdoctoral mentor stating how the grant will support a unique line of research separate from PI of the laboratory
  5. Budget using the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Budget Page PHS398/FP5 and budget justification
  6. NIH Biosketch
  7. Other support
  8. Vertebrate animals and human subjects information in NIH format

Enrichment Programs

2023 SBDRC Pilot Grant
Jef D. Boeke, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Systems Genetics Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
"Psoriasis GREAT GEMMs animal models". 

Andrew Ji, M.D., Assistant Professor of Dermatology and Oncological Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
“Investigating the Role of Pro-inflammatory Fibroblasts in Atopic Dermatitis”.

2023 BFSCI/SBDRC Pilot Grant (funded by BFSCI)
Ali May, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Cell, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
“Tissue-resident macrophage regulation of exocrine epithelial development and differentiation”.

2023 Dermatology/SBDRC Pilot Grant (funded by Department of Dermatology)
Benjamin Ungar, M.D., Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
"Characterizing the molecular phenotypes of dupilumab responders and non-responders in moderate-to- severe atopic dermatitis patients and identifying markers of treatment response".

2023 SBDRC Transition to Independence Minigrants:
Elena Grossi, Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Bernstein’s lab, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
“Functional characterization of the PBAF chromatin complex in hPSC-derived neural crest cells”.

Meng Yen Li, Ph.D., Instructor in Dr. Ezhkova’s lab, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
“Uncovering the Polycomb-mediated epigenetic mechanism in regulating epidermal stem cells”.

View our 2022 Pilot grant awardees.